
Hey there!

I’m Lauren, color aficionado, child wrangler, and Vermont native. I define myself as a mixed media artist encompassed by watercolors. My work is centered around flora & fauna, color, mandalas, and can be inspired by the imaginations of the tiny humans I work with everyday.

If you have any questions or would like to collaborate - reach out! I would love to connect with you.

My artwork can be found in person at the Milton Artist’s Guild, and online at Society6.

Frequently when I am not at my regular day job, I can be found “art-sitting” with a range of different youth. We like to explore the great outdoors, experiment with materials, and laugh - a lot! If you know of a child that would enjoy watercolor, collage, or fiber art sewing lessons, please feel free to contact me!

Within 30 miles of Milton, VT.